Thursday, May 31, 2012

One of many Pancho visits

I started off my day getting to wake up and play with Fin while I was getting ready for the day. Then Josh drove me over to Imani and Sarah's house in Montellano where we then took motos over to Pancho Mateo to visit the students and their families and tell them that we are taking the kids to the beach next Thursday before we start up summer school the following Monday. Once all of the staff arrived at Pancho we split up and walked the village. As soon as we started down the road I already starting seeing the kids I had played with in the past and they came running up to me to play! As I was getting closer to Dari Belto and Danilo's house (these have been the two boys that I have watched grow up the past three years and gotten closest to) I was getting very eager to see them and hoping that they would be in their house and not out working so I could see them. Before I had even had the chance to get to their house I heard the sound of someone running and all of sudden Danilo popped out of no where and jumped on me before I had even seen him!! I was so happy to see him that I actually started crying and he was laughing at me because I did the same thing last year when I came back. He has at least grown 4 inches since last summer and he is starting to become so much more mature! Danilo then ran into his house and told Dari Belto I was here and Dari Belto came out running full speed and they both jumped on me at once that I almost fell to the ground, but it was definitely the happiest moment of my day. We then went inside and I got to talk to their mom and grandma. Jenny and Cindy were two sisters that had pretended to be Dari Belto and Danilo's sisters for two years until we finally figured out they were playing a joke on us and while I was talking to the boy's mom Cindy came into the house and gave me a big hug! After I talked to her for a while she was asking me where is Abby, my friend who had come to the DR the past three summers in the same group as me. I told her Abby wasn't coming but she said to tell Abby how much she misses and loves her! I then pulled out my camera and let the kids take pictures for a while because they absolutely loveeee taking pictures and posing for pictures. So about 300 pictures later Danilo came with me to walk around Pancho and see the other kids and families. It was so great getting to see the kids again and even better when they said the remembered me and talked about what we did together in the past. Although we didn't get to stay in Pancho for a long time and play with the kids, I couldn't have been happier that I got to see them again. I know that when the groups come every other week I will be going with them to help them in the villages so I will get to spend much more time playing with all of the kids. Before we left Pancho Cakito took Dena, Imani, and me to see his house for the first time. Every summer I told him I would go see his house and meet his family, but I never got to until today! 

~This is me and some of my favorite kiddos! On the left is Cindy and then Dari Belto in the yellow and Danilo having me hold him (as always!)

~Danilo was taking me in to surprise his mom
~He is just too cute not to post another picture of him
~Dari Belto and I were just talking about how he got an award for most athletic at Makarios on the last day of school
~Dari Belto shows off his trophy
~Danilo and Cakito just hanging out
~Cakito and Kelvin talking about our upcoming trip to the beach
~Mas photos
~Sarah, Lauren, and Belizeur getting to visit some of their students

~Photo shoot on the basketball court
~Take 2
~Take 3
~So great getting to be with these kids again!
~Happy Lizbeth holding up the picture of her and her amiga Kristen that Kristen asked me to give her

After leaving Pancho, Imani and I went back to her house and had some awesome bonding time and she made us lunch. We then met up with Dena and took a carito (car) into Playa Dorada where there are multiple tourist hotels all together. Dena and Imani knew of a hotel that had a really nice area with comfy chairs where we could just go to relax with air conditioning, so we went inside for a couple of hours and enjoyed having a nice break. We then took a gua gua to a movie store so Imani could rent a few movies and La Sirena, which is basically like a Wal Mart. I was so shocked by how much American food they have imported into the store, but of course it is way more expensive to buy the food that is imported opposed to the local food.

~This is a photo outside of Imani and Sarah's house. In the DR whenever someone passes away on the 9th day after they gather outside of the person's house for the day and go into the house to show their respect and comfort the family. Today I saw this for the first time in my life and learned something new about their culture.

 Once we were done exploring the store we rode back to the Mak house and actually had dinner with the entire staff celebrating Kelsey and me! Belle made cupcakes too! After dinner we went onto the roof and spent a few hours talking and getting to know each other better. The staff mainly wanted to know more about us, so they each got to ask us one question about ourselves and then they would answer it too so that we could get to know them better as well. It is amazing how close I already feel to them even though this was only my second day here. Everyone is just so loving and selfless that it is almost impossible not to become so close with one another. The main prayer request that I repeatedly continue to pray for and ask to be prayed for is the communication barrier. I have found that in the past it has not been as difficult to communicate when you are playing with the kids and surrounded by several Americans who are also on the same level as you. Although I am not completely clueless, I have found it very difficult to talk about everything I would want to talk about with the staff because a lot of the time I will be able to understand them, but not necessarily know how to respond or say what I am looking to say. It has been such a blessing that some of the staff speak English and are able to help me out, but I am really praying that I will continue to get better at Spanish so that I have no limitations when it comes to building relationships with my friends. I know this will be my biggest struggle while I am here, but I know with God anything is possible and soon I will think back at how ridiculous I was to think that clear communication would be impossible, it is only a matter of time and until the time comes, God will use me to do exactly what he has planned for me!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012



I can't even explain how amazing it is to be back in the Dominican Republic for the fourth summer in a row!! When I was flying into Puerto Plata on Tuesday I didn't feel like I was going to some foreign country where I would feel out of place for three months, but instead I almost felt like I was coming to my second home in a sense. I left Austin at 5:45 A.M. Tuesday morning and flew from Austin to Dallas, Dallas to Miami, and then Miami to Puerto Plata arriving around 3:00 P.M. (the time difference is only an hour later here). Oh and did I mention that I somehow ended up getting to fly first class the whole way here? I don't think I have ever been on an airplane where you are served a three meal course for breakfast and lunch AND the chairs can be turned into beds. It was such an awesome, unexpected surprise! I was the first one waiting around the baggage claim, eager to get my bags and be on my way back to the house. As time went by I started to notice that bags were slowly gone and that there would be no more coming that day. So after about an hour and a half of waiting we finally discovered that my bags never made it onto the plane from Miami. Fortunately my mom had suggested I pack my necessities in my backpack and I was able to manage until my suitcases were delivered to the house this evening. When I finally left the airport (long after they had been expecting my arrival) I was greeted by almost the entire Makarios staff!!! I was so happy to be here and get to see familiar faces when I arrived, as well as new ones! We hopped in the car and drove about 20 minutes back to the Makarios house in Los Ciruelos where I finally got to meet my awesome roommate Kelsey and the rest of the host family. Josh and Jen Menold are the host couple and they actually have 5 kids that are also living in the Mak house with us! And their kids are definitely the cutest, funniest, and most polite kids I have ever met in my life! We spent a lot of time talking and getting to know each other and then after dinner we called it a night in order to be rested up for my first full day here!

~This is a picture of the Menold family, aren't their kids the cutest! Starting on the left the kids are Aribella, the oldest girl who is so sweet and loving, Parlyn, who is always smiling and laughing, Oliver, the youngest boy, Finley, the most fashionable and funniest child I have ever met, and Tate, the oldest and very responsible boy. I can already tell that Josh and Jen are going to be the greatest host couple there possible!

I started off my first full day in the DR getting to eat a yummy breakfast with the Menolds and Kelsey and then Josh drove me over to Montellano (the neighborhood where the school, church, playing field, and some of the other staff live). We left a little bit earlier than planned when Josh got a call from Sarah, one of the American teachers, that she had somehow gotten locked inside her room. We went to go see if we could get the door open and somehow Josh managed to get it open and we saw that in some crazy way the lock had come apart on the inside and was completely destroyed! Anyways it was so funny getting to meet Sarah this way and we laughed about it for the rest of the morning. This was also my first time to ride on a motorcycle 'moto' in the DR but from now on that is going to be my main way of transportation on the island, in the past years I rode in a gua gua, which is similar to a bus when I was with a large group from the U.S. I got to spend all day planning school lessons with the American and Dominican staff for summer school! For the first couple weeks Narolin and I are going to be teaching art at the school! We came up with some awesome lesson plans and got to spend a lot of time getting to know each other as well! Narolin and I also took little breaks in between planning and went around the school talking to all of the different teachers so I could get to know them better! We got to all eat lunch as a staff and had our first staff meeting to talk about the summer and our plans for the upcoming week. The first group is arriving here on Friday and is going to be mainly helping us clean up the school and help with preparations for our first week. After we were done for the day at the school Sarah and I went to go pick up Kelsey from the Mak house and we had a 'how to find a ride/ go around on a moto 101 lesson'. It was so much fun, and we even rode to the bomba to get some ice cream and then went back to Sarah and Imani's house to hang out before we came back to the Mak house. When I was at Sarah and Imani's house Imani, another one of the teachers at the school, was telling me how she had just come back from Jody and Perla's house (Jody was an intern for Makarios when I came my sophomore year of high school and Perla is his fiancĂ© that I got to meet last summer when I was here and they are actually getting married next week!!) I had no idea that they only lived a couple doors down from Sarah and Imani so when Imani and I were outside we saw Jody outside on his deck and it was so great to see him again and I am so excited that they are about to be married! Perla wasn't home, so I told him I would come over and visit sometime this weekend when she was there too so I could see them both! Later we came back home to the Mak house for staff dinner and bible study, like we will do every Wednesday night and had a great first bible study all together! Tomorrow morning we are going to Pancho Mateo, one of my favorite villages here to go visit the students and their families! 

 ~Cakito and I back together again!!! I met Cakito (Francis) the first summer I ever came to the DR and he was one of the only boys I met who could speak English pretty well. Cakito and I became good friends and have gotten to know each other over the years and I am so happy I will get to be hanging out with him a lot this summer!

 ~These pictures were taken after we rode the motos over to the bomba for some el helado! The first picture is of the other intern Kelsey and Sarah and the second picture is Kelsey and I's first roomie picture!!
~This is Dena, another one of the American teachers, riding on the moto as we were headed back to the Mak house for dinner.