Sunday, June 3, 2012

Full day of village visits

Today was the first full day with the group! It was so awesome to get to be around people who have never been to the DR before because a lot of the times I forget what it was like the first time I ever came here and saw for myself what it was like. It is a good reminder to myself that most people, especially in America, have absolutely no idea what it is like in a third world country. First we went to Chichigua, which is actually a Haitian village where some of our kids that go to the school live. In Chichigua I got to see all of my friends from the past years! First I went to find Sarah, Jessica, and Rebecca. These three girls are sisters that absolutely LOVE to sing and dance and are super fun and outgoing! We would always do our own little talent show (mainly them because they are amazing singers!) in the past years and it was so great just getting to see them today and spending the whole time talking about what has happened in their lives the past year. I spent almost 2 hours in their house talking to them and their mom and then I also got to see their baby brother Michael who is most definitely not a baby anymore! Last summer their mom had just given birth to their new baby sister, Angela, and when I saw her today she could not only walk, but also talk!! It was incredible and I am so happy that their family is doing well! I then made my way around Chichigua to see some other kids, but there wasn't much time left before the group was leaving to go to lunch, so my visits were short. Right as we were about to leave I was going to say goodbye to one of the moms in the village that I had known for the past couple years and I noticed that by her there was a little girl in a wheel chair. I found out that this was her daughter who was now ten years old and had cerebral palsy. I just couldn't believe that first of all I had never seen her before, and second of all that this was the second child with cerebral palsy that I had seen two days in a row.

~ On the left is Sarah (the oldest), Rebecca, Angela (the baby), and Michael (the boy) and on the right is Imani holding one of the little girls.

After eating my favorite meal for lunch, chicken, rice, and beans!!!!!!, we went to La Tienda. La Tienda was started by a friend of Sharla, who runs Makarios, and was meant to provide jobs for the women in order to keep them from being forced into prostitution. This is where I usually buy gifts for my friends and family when I am here because the women that make the jewelry, purses, candles, etc... are the ones getting to money for what they are making. I bought a pair of earrings today to wear and then send back to the US (my bible study group and I decided over the summer that we were going to have one thing we sent around from person to person including a picture of us wearing the item and a letter telling what we have been doing while wearing them in order to stay in touch, so I bought the earrings today to wear this week and then send on to the next person). 

 ~La Tienda

Pancho Mateo was the next stop where I went with the group and we just spent some time playing basketball, jumprope, and soccer with the kids. Some of the Dominican girls worked on their hair brading skills as well! The time went by so fast and before I knew it I was back at the house helping prepare dinner and making cupcakes for the group. It was Shirley, one of the group members, birthday, so we got to celebrate with her! All of the Dominican and American staff was here for dinner as well and I had an awesome time having "girl time" on the roof with Imani, Genesis, Bella, Narolin, and two of the girls that are here with the group that also go to UT. And then Bella, Genesis, Narolin, and I played basketball together before we did introductions of the Makarios staff and got to know the group as well. Although I was completely exhausted after I got back from Pancho, God suddenly provided me with a burst of energy to keep me going until the night was over. 

~One of the guys from the group being a cabio (horse)

~Kelvin giving the tour of Pancho to the group

~Andy and Yeri

~The group visiting Pancho for the first time

~The girls from the group getting their hair done

~Girl time on the roof!

*Sorry my blog was a day late, the internet connection was really slow last night! 

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