Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer school is almost here!!

Today I spent the entire day up at the school doing preparations for summer school and it was so much fun! While we were doing preparations, the group was busy helping clean, reorganize, unpack donations, helping us with prep, chopping down dead trees, and repainting the walls. It was awesome to see everyone work together and the result at the end of the day after so much was accomplished! While doing preparations all day, I really got to bond with the other teachers and it was so great getting to learn more about them and their life. When the day was over and we were headed home for dinner, Josh decided to drive a different way and show us the view from the top of the mountain. It was absolutely beautiful getting to look over the city and you could see where all the different villages were. At the top of the mountain is where the water plant is and it was also neat to look at it and see how the entire city gets their water supply. I got to listen to the group do their highs and lows of the day tonight and it was so great to get to listen to what they are getting out of their experience here. I love getting to hear how God is changing their lives through this experience and how much joy they have after watching how joyful the people here are. The group did a VBS today for the kids and they talked about how wonderful and polite and thankful the kids are and it really made me happy just hearing that! Life is starting to get really busy with school quickly approaching, helping the group, and my online classes starting today, so I will do my best to blog as much as possible, but I don't know that I will have time to do it everyday. 

 ~Bella, me, Narolin, and Genesis after we got done making many many many cut out bears in order to teach the different parts of the body next week.

 ~Belizeur and Narolin laughing at Bella as she is playing with the masks she is making for her students. 

~The view from the top of the mountain. This is just a glimpse at how beautiful the DR is!

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